
I am done. I know this IVF didn’t work. I have nothing. I feel nothing. I feel exactly the same as the last two times. And we all know how those worked out.

I am dreading tomorrow. My 3rd failed IVF. My 3rd BFN from IVF.

My intuition is always right. I keep wondering — am I doing something wrong? I follow all the instructions, every single one. Why can’t this work for me?

22 Responses to “13dp1dt”

  1. kim Says:

    I wish that I knew what to say. But there really isn’t anything that I could say to make any of this any more bearable. But I’m thinking of you.

  2. Kenna Says:

    All I can say is I’m sorry, and I will be keeping you in my thoughts.

  3. Shawna Says:

    I’m praying for you. I hope that your intuition is wrong.

  4. Heather Says:

    I’m still holding out Hope at my house for you. It isn’t over until it is over! I understand you know your body and I know what it feels like to KNOW…but I still can’t give up hope for you just yet.

  5. serenity Says:


    I’m still hoping for you, hon.

  6. Suzanna Catherine Says:

    Thinking of you…hoping that for once your intuition is wrong.

  7. Me Says:

    I wish there was something I could say to make you feel better… 😦

  8. Becky Says:

    I’m hoping like crazy that you’re wrong.

  9. Leah Says:

    I am wishing, hoping and praying that your intuition is wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. Please, oh please, let this work for you. xo

  10. Joonie Says:

    I’m so sorry. I do hope that you’re wrong this time though. Hang in there!

  11. Elle Says:

    Sending hugs and warm wishes to you. I still feel positive that you are pregnant 🙂

  12. M Says:

    I wish I had the perfect words, but all I can do is say what everyone else already has… I am sorry. I hope that your intuition is wrong, and will be even more sorry if it isn’t. Hugs.

  13. Seriously? Says:

    I am still keeping positive thoughts for you! I will be thinking of you tomorrow.

  14. Allison Says:

    Hang in there, hon. I’m not uncrossing anything yet…

  15. Kahla Says:

    I hope you are wrong and am praying for good news tomorrow. Please do not give up! I’m sorry today is so hard, IF sucks.

  16. shawna Says:

    Oh, I hope that your intuition is wrong, just this once! I am holding out hope for you. I just sent up a quick prayer and I want you to know you will be in my thoughts. I will check back tomorrow to hear the results.

  17. Pamela Jeanne Says:

    like everyone here, i hope your intuition is wrong.

  18. Chris Says:

    I wish I had some answers for you, but alas, all I can offer are hugs and support. Hang in there . . . I hope your intuition is wrong.

  19. Brandygirl Says:

    I really do hope you’re wrong about this and am sending you some positive thoughts through this all.

    Hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs

  20. Chantelle Says:

    I realy hope your intuition is wrong, I’ll be praying for you

  21. journey to junior Says:

    ARGH, everything about this is pure torture. i also hope you are wrong and this is your time. many, many hugs!

  22. K @ ourboxofrain Says:

    I so hope your intuition is wrong, though I also completely understand the need to wrap yourself in a protective cocoon to keep yourself from being crushed in the event that it isn’t. Much positivity heading your way.

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