No Symptoms

Beta is on Thursday. I have ZERO symptoms. My boobs were really sore the first 1/2 of the two week wait, but this morning they are no longer sore. I had all sorts of phantom symptoms, pains, twinges, bouts of fatigue. But all are gone now. I know. I know. I know that billions of women go about their lives having no clue that they are pregnant until they miss their period, and another million and a half go through the same thing after IVF, thinking it couldn’t possibly have worked and then they get a BFP. Why am I feeling so dismal then? I just don’t feel it. I feel nothing. Wouldn’t I feel something? I felt exactly the same way last time, and we all know how that turned out.  I am to the point that I just want to fast forward to Thursday to get the definitive BFN so that I can crack open my first bottle of wine in 2 months.

I have my door shut at work, they think I am working diligently but I can’t concentrate. I am a mess! And I have horrible irritation from the progesterone suppositories, like a bad yeast infection. Poor TW wants some lovin’ (we haven’t done anything since before ER!) but I cannot even begin to think about it. I am sure he doesn’t want to touch my gooped up bajingo anyway!

I have this weird rash on the back of my left hand. It doesn’t itch or anything, just little red bumps. I immediately thought about hoof and mouth disease, isn’t that horrible for pregnant women?

I am a wreck.

Beta is on Thursday morning at 8:30. Last time they e-mailed me the results. I can’t decide whether I want a phone call or an e-mail. What would you do?

10 Responses to “No Symptoms”

  1. Ashley Bass Says:

    You will be in my thoughts on Thursday! And no, you wouldn’t know anything! As for the e-mail or phone call, that is a hard call. I am not sure which I would choose.

  2. Pam Says:

    You’re about 5 days ahead of me. I know exactly how you feel. So far I’ve had no real symptoms, just the phantom ones. I have regular abdominal twinges, I’m tired, the boobs don’t really hurt but V. won’t come near me. 🙂 Doesn’t want to affect anything. My clinic calls you with the results. We don’t get an email option. I think I’d prefer the call.

  3. Kirsten Eide Says:

    Hmmm, I don’t know what I’d chose for result, i’m thinking an email might be good, but then again phone call might be by choice. Sorry, I’m NO help!! I’m so excited for you for Thursday though, my thoughts and prayers are with you. Can’t wait to hear…

  4. PamelaJeanne Says:

    This description of your 2ww sounds so eerily familiar. I know the torment you’re feeling and the gooped up sensation, ugh. And this line in particular: “I have my door shut at work, they think I am working diligently but I can’t concentrate. I am a mess! ”

    If I were you I think I’d go with the phone call. An email seems way too impersonal. Hoping for the best, still…

  5. Heather Says:

    I didn’t have any symptoms and thought the same thing…didn’t have symptoms before and all negative, why would this be different?

    Waiting sucks. I hope you get good news soon!!!

  6. Allison Says:

    I’d go for the phone call. If it was negative, I’d keep torturing myself and re-reading the e-mail. But that is just me – obsessive and masochistic.

    Hang in there – only about a day and a half to go.

  7. sara Says:

    Good luck on your beta thursday..that’s our transfer day. I hope stuff goes well for both of us 🙂 I would go with the phone call…but that’s just me!

  8. Freyja Says:

    I am LMAO at the word “bajingo”.

    I would do email.


  9. Chris Says:

    I’m still holding a good thought for you . . . hang in there, Thursday is almost here.

  10. FiestyKel Says:

    Best of luck to you, it draaaags doesnt it? I would go email so I don’t again have to cry and feel like a dick for it…

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